Library Rules & Regulations
Timing and Services
Resources - Print Journals
Resources - Digital Library
Question Papers - B.A. LL.B
Question Papers - LL.B Degree
Question Papers - LL. M
Rules & Regulations
Library Committe
Digital Library
E - Learning - Faculty Interview
E - Library - Videos and Resources
E - Learning - Knimbus Remote Access
Policies and Procedures
Library Membership
All the students are enrolled as members of the library as soon as they are admitted to the college. They are handed over their library card on arrival.
Library membership is renewed every year subject to the re-admission in the new academic year.
Library cards are not transferable.
Members should keep the library informed in case of any change of address.
Replace the library card in case of mutilation/ loss.
Circulation Policies
Books are issued against the library card only.
Books should be returned to the library within the due date. or else a fine will be levied in accordance with the fine structure as decided by the library committee from time to time.
Books shall be issued against the library card for overnight reading.
Students should carry the library card regularly and it should be produced as and when asked by the library staff.
Books on loan in the custody of the users can be recalled by the librarian at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
Loss of the books should be informed to the library and must replace it with a new book.
Any damages or missing pages in the books must be reported to the library staff.
All the books must be returned before the end of the academic year & for final year students no dues certificate will be issued after submission of all the books loaned & the library card.
Library code of conduct
The use of the college library is meant for faculty and students of the college and others who have a specific research need. It is also accessible to the college alumni and practicing lawyers.In order to provide a safe, secure, and welcoming atmosphere, conducive to the appropriate use of facilities, staff, services, and materials the following are prohibited:
Loud or unreasonable noise. Please turn cell phone ringers off and take phone calls in the hallways or outside.
Mutilating library reading materials by marking, underlining, tearing off pages, intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing library or personal property.
Removing library materials from the Library except through established lending procedures.
Preempting, misplacing, hiding or limiting the availability to the users in any way.
Presence in staff-only areas without permission of staff.
Alcohol or tobacco use.
Misuse of restrooms.
Posting materials anywhere in the library. (Posting on the bulletin boards in the Learning Commons and main entrances is allowed if permission has been granted by Student Activities).
Any other illegal activity or conduct in violation of local, or campus law or regulation.
Consuming food within the library.
Leaving books, materials or personal property on tables or carrels while leaving the library & using of computers for personal use.